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Anita Brightley-Hodges

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Anita is one of the UK’s most in-demand specialist Business advisors. She works closely with entrepreneurial families running successful companies, ensuring that family relationships and commercial decisions work in sync when there has been a separation or breakdown in family dynamics which puts the company at risk. Anita will ask the questions that are difficult but essential, with a warm and engaging style that encourages open dialogue. Anita’s unique coaching skills include:

  • Helping families recognise & deal with trauma, overcome conflict and protect family relationships which are precious
  • Designing and implementing robust governance structures
  • Developing effective strategies after aligning family values and purpose
  • Inspiring the next generation to become responsible and accountable stewards of family wealth

Anita is one of the most well-connected business advisors and has a solution to most problems. Her motto is ‘Everything is Possible’. She has worked closely with Aina Khan ( OBE ) for over 15 years. Anita works face to face and online, in the UK and internationally.