Aina Khan OBE is proud to announce that she has become a Fellow of the IAFL (a Prestigious International Academy of Family Lawyers)
Formed in 1986 as the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers to improve the practice of law and administration of justice in the area of divorce and family law throughout the world, IAFL has since become a worldwide association of practising lawyers who are recognised by their peers as the most experienced and skilled family law specialists in their respective countries.
IAFL has made presentations both in the US and in England in relation to legal reforms, and sends representatives to relevant international conferences, promoting the harmonisation of law, particularly in financial matters. IAFL also comments to the media in its capacity as an organisation of family law specialists.
IAFL Fellows are able to provide legal advice to clients and other lawyers on:
- family law issues in their own jurisdictions and where international issues arise
- divorce, nullity and dissolution of same sex partnerships
- separation
- finances
- marital and child support
- domestic abuse
- marital and cohabitation agreements
- issues in relation to children including custody and residence, visitation, relocation, abduction, surrogacy, adoption and public law
- dispute resolution including litigation, mediation, collaborative law and arbitration
The prestigious IAFL membership is by invitation only. Lawyers must satisfy established criteria for membership in order to obtain the approval of the Board of Admissions. The process is a rigorous one, designed to ensure that the high level of expertise within IAFL is maintained.
Since 1986, IAFL has grown steadily, both in terms of the countries represented and the overall membership. The number of countries now represented is 57 and IAFL has over 780 Fellows. IAFL currently has 4 regional Chapters: a USA Chapter with over 310 Fellows from 39 states; a European Chapter with over 260 Fellows from 31 different countries; an Asia Pacific Chapter with over 100 Fellows from 10 countries; and a Canadian Chapter with over 50 Fellows. More than 30 IAFL Fellows practice in countries spread throughout the rest of the world.
IAFL enables Fellows practising international family law to obtain legal assistance of the highest calibre in another country, and in this way provides an invaluable network of contacts throughout the world.