Aina Khan, is to present a lecture at the Association of Muslim Professionals, Wales Spring Event on the subject of ’ Islam, Women and Sharia’.
The event will take place on Saturday 5th April 2014 from 6.00pm onwards at Cardiff’s County Hall, Atlantic Wharf, CF10 4UW. Over 200 people are expected.
Aina Khan is recognised as the UK’s leading specialist in Islamic Family Law. She will cover major contemporary issues such as:
-Why a growing majority of Muslim women are not married under UK law and therefore have no matrimonial rights – and what to do about this
-How English law allows a Muslim woman to claim her Mehr financial settlement when a husband refuses to pay it
-How Muslim women can obtain a divorce from Sharia Councils without having to attend before their panel and how we are better placed in the UK to get women their full rights under Sharia than in many Muslim countries.
Tickets for the event are priced at £20 per adult and £12 per child (under 12). Information on tickets and enquiries should be sent to [email protected] or 07932233172; or book online at by clicking here.
Read more here.