A Chapter on Islamic Alternative Dispute Resolution
Butterworths Family Law Service
I am quite sure that ADR is going to be a bedrock of Family Law in the years ahead. Legal aid has disappeared almost completely from the private law landscape. Her Majesty’s Court Service is facing ever greater challenges as a result of significant workload increases combined with large budget cuts. As a result, Alternative Dispute Resolution is vital to the provision of justice going forward. Yet, the system needs to be fair and robust. It can only work within clear parameters and with well defined systems. The new ADR binder is, I believe, an invaluable tool to those practising in this area as well as those advising their clients on the process. The binder was produced in almost record time. Many congratulations and thanks to Helen Howard, who edited the Chapter on Mediation and Collaborative practice; to Grant Howell, for dealing with Arbitration; to Aina Khan for Islamic Alternative Dispute Resolution and to Sarah Anticoni for Jewish Alternative Dispute Resolution. It is a truly impressive work.
Mr Justice Moor, leading High Court Judge