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Moving in Together – Consider a Cohabitation Agreement

If you have recently moved in together or are currently considering it, there are a few legal considerations worth understanding to ensure you make the right decisions to protect yourself, your assets, and your family in the future. Anyone who is not married but...

What Happens with Family Loans and Gifts in a Divorce?

Nearly half of first-time homebuyers in the UK now require additional funding from their parents. Understanding how to protect and/or recover loans or contributions is crucial if couples later separate or divorce, as the starting point for dividing assets in any...

Understanding spousal maintenance

If you are going through a divorce, you may understandably be worried about what happens next and what the financial implications are for you going forward. This article will help you understand the issue of spousal maintenance but is no substitute for getting the...

Family mediation – helping resolve your family law matter

Mediation is growing in popularity for resolving family issues and certainly has many advantages such as being quicker, cheaper, more flexible and a lot less stressful than going to court. How does it work? Mediation is an informal dispute resolution process that aims...